Monday, November 12, 2012

How to use commands with options in shortcuts / at startup

Running a shell command that has some options (command -opt) at startup or with a keyboard shortcut may not work, so the only solution is to create a bash script with the desired command inside and launch the script instead.
Here is what you have to do (assuming the script will be named myscript, your command is mycomm and has option -opt):

  • in a Terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) type gedit myscript (or another editor instead of gedit)
  • copy and paste the following code inside:
    #! /bin/bash
    mycomm -opt
  • save and close
  • in the Terminal type chmod +x myscript to make it executable
  • move the file in /usr/bin to make it runnable: sudo cp -a myscript /usr/bin
  • add /usr/bin/myscript as command to the startup processes or to your customized keyboard shortcuts.

How to add hibernate option to Mint 13

If you have installed Mint 13, one of the first things you'll notice is that there is no hibernate option in the shutdown window.
Although there is no way to add the option from GUI, you can simply do it by following these instructions:
  • open a Terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and type sudo gedit /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla (or another text editor instead of gedit); then insert your password in the terminal
  • add the following lines at the end of the file, then save:
    [Re-enable hibernate by default]
Now (or in some cases after restart) you will see the hibernate option when you click the poweroff button..

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Why linux is better

For the people that are on this website because they had some trouble while managing their Linux distribution, I want to remind that despite some little (and solvable) problem, the penguin's OS is still the better.

Here I embed the homepage of whylinuxisbetter, a nice website in my opinion... For more details visit that webpage or navigate in the following iframe..