Sunday, March 27, 2011

Copying google maps in "My maps"

If you need two similar google maps, and you don't want to create all labels again, you can copy a map from "My maps" doing as following:

  • go to the map you want to copy, and copy the URL you get click "Link"
  • paste somewhere else that URL and add "&output=kml" at the end
  • now copy the whole new URL
  • go in "My maps" and click "Create new map"
  • then another link saying "Import" will appear: click on it
  • paste the URL in the string filed and click on "Upload from URL"
  • now you have your copied map!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Share ubuntu printer with Windows 7

If you use Ubuntu and you can't manage to share your printer with a Windows pc, you can try these steps:

  • remove comments (# character at the beginning of the line) of the following lines in smb.conf (sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf):
    • load printers = yes
    • printing = cups
    • printcap name = cups
  • in the same file add the following line above [printers]:
    • use client driver = yes
Good luck! ;)

You can find useful informations about your printer at http://localhost:631/printers/

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ubuntu - hide files or folders

To hide files and/or folders in Ubuntu you have two ways:
  1. add a '.' (without quotes, obviously) at the beginning of file's/folder's name
  2. if you don't want to rename the file/folder do this: in the same folder as the one in which are saved the files/folders you want to hide, create a new text file, and edit it writing the names of the files/folders you want to hide. Then save it and rename it as ".hidden" (without " too)
To see hidden files press CTRL+H.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How to install Epson Perfection 2480 photo SCANNER on Ubuntu

I spent almost a year to find out how to make my Epson Perfection Photo 2480 to work on Ubuntu. Here is the solution:
  • go to System/Administration/Synaptic_Package_Manager and log in; search p7zip-full, right-click and select "Mark for installation", then click the button "Apply" in Synaptic
  • open a terminal (Applications/Accessories/Terminal) and execute the following commands to install two different scanner manager programs:
    • sudo apt-get install xsane
    • sudo apt-get install simple-scan
  • search and copy file esfw41.bin from the Windows installation CD or download it (thanks to @f for hosting) and save it in your Desktop after having unzipped (otherwise following steps may not work)
  • type in the terminal the following commands inserting password if asked:
    • sudo mkdir /usr/share/sane/snapscan
    • sudo cp /home/<YOUR_LOGIN>/Desktop/esfw41.bin /usr/share/sane/snapscan
    • sudo gedit /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf
  • at the 4th line you should have
    firmware /usr/share/sane/snapscan/esfw41.bin
    if you don't, delete the line wihich begins with firmware and write this one; after editing, SAVE!
  • type the following line in terminal and when the file is opened add a # at the beginning of each line except of snapscan; after editing, SAVE!
    • sudo gedit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf

Now go to to Applications/Graphics and use either Simple scan or Xsane to scan your photos and documents!
Sometimes scanner is not found; re-plug it or wait a minute trying both programs..

P.S.: now you can delete esfw41.bin from Desktop..

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